Ibadat Privacy Policy

Thank you for your continued support of Ibadat (“Al Wajid”). We continually find ways to upgrade the App to improve your user experience and to keep it relevant for the Ummah. This Privacy Policy explains how your privacy is protected when we collect, process, disclose and use your personal information.

Ibadat Privacy Policy (Version 1.0)

This Privacy Policy is current as of: 2 November 2021 

Ibadat General Permissions

These General Permissions required is current as of: 2 November 2021 

1. Storage Permit (To Share Beautifull Greeting Cards and Other Motivational & Islamic Quotes)

2. Location Permission (For Prayer Times Or Near by Places)

"Remaining Work is Simple Enough For yet, Later On can Be changed For 

User Login Or Other Systems, Like Facebook, Twitter Or Gmail"

Your Privacy is important to us

Ibadat (“we”, “us”, or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our App users (“you”, “your”, “yours”). 

Ibadat is published by Al-Wajid, with its registered address at "Coming Soon", who acts as the data controller with regards the processing of your personal information. 

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how your information is collected, processed, disclosed and used by Ibadat when you use the App and the services we provide.

Applicable Rules
This Policy is based on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”), the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), and the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012. Together, we refer to these regulations as the “Applicable Rules”. 

In this Policy, “personal information” refers to information regarded as “personal data” or “personal information” (or its equivalents thereof) under the Applicable Rules and may include the information that you give us when you use the App and the related services. 

When you use our App and subject to the Applicable Rules, you confirm that you accept how we collect, process, disclose and use your personal information. If the Applicable Rules require your consent to be obtained through other means, your consent will be collected in accordance with the relevant Applicable Rules.

In any case, you can withdraw your acceptance and consent any time by emailing our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at  Mail. However, you may no longer be able to use some of the App’s features or the App altogether. 


What Personal Information We Collect
If you have a Ibadat account, we may collect, process, disclose and use the following types of personal information that you provide or make available to us when you use our App or the services available through the App, including but not limited to:

  1. The information you upload to or enter on the App such as your name, birthdate, email address, phone number, and profile picture;

  2. Your user activity, e.g., your searches of the Qur’an or the bookmarked Qur’an verses; and the prayer requests you post or have indicated to have prayed for.

  3. Modifications you make to any of your settings.

  4. Personal information that you give to third-party sites such as Facebook, Apple or Google account, when you use these sites to sign up for, or log into, your Ibadat account. 

Whether you have a Ibadat account or not, we may collect, process, disclose and use the following types of personal information relating to your device and the App settings, including but not limited to:

  1. Device information: the device’s manufacturer, model, operating system and version, and the App version.

  2. App activity: App pairing with a smart watch, date of App installation, date of last use of the App, city, state, country, IP address, time zone, language, and a “once per app installation” ID (which we generate when you install the App and which is then destroyed when the App is deleted from your device); the name and country of your mobile operator, session duration, feature usage information, and the App’s premium/free status.

  3. Prayer location information: when you use the App for prayer times, we need to know where you are, i.e., your geolocation information - latitude, longitude and altitude as communicated by your device - or the city that you have manually selected.

    If you have an account with us, your latest prayer location information will be synchronised across all devices associated with your account.

    If you do not have an account with us, the prayer location information will be stored in your device and will not be transmitted to our servers.

  4. Other geolocation information: when you use the App, some features other than the Prayer Times (such as Qibla, Halal Places or Mosque finder) also require your geolocation information.
    Such geolocation information will always be stored in your device. Such information is transmitted to our servers when you use such features but we will never store it.

  5. Analytics: This is information that our analytics service-providers - Google Firebase, Google Analytics for Firebase and Google Firebase Crashlytics - give us.


How do we use your personal information? 

Ibadat may collect, process, and use your information as necessary to perform our contractual relationship with you, notably to: 

  1. Enable your access and use of the App and or the services available through the App.

  2. Synchronise your App settings, such as your latest location information, across all devices linked to your account.

  3. Inform and update you about changes to the App, such as software updates, and services, and to respond to your queries.

  4. Enable your mobile operator, Apple App Store or Google Play Store to bill you.

Ibadat may, by itself or through the use of third party SDKs, also collect, process, disclose and use your information, to pursue our legitimate interests, notably to: 

  1. Customise your experience, e.g., display content that suits your interests and preferences.

  2. Ensure that you only see the most relevant advertisements on the App. 

  3. To carry out research, analysis, and development activities, to monitor how you use the App and the services available through the App, to enhance your user experience and, improve the App and our services. 

Notwithstanding the preceding, certain regulations may require us to obtain your prior consent for some of the above-mentioned purposes.

Finally, Ibadat may also collect, process, disclose and use your information to comply with relevant laws and our legal obligations, and for other purposes which Ibadat shall notify you.


Sensitive personal information

You are informed that considering the religious nature of the App, we may collect by inference sensitive personal information concerning you, in particular your religious beliefs. You understand that the collection and processing of such information is intrinsically linked to the use of the App and the services we provide to you . Therefore, if you refuse that we collect such sensitive personal information, you will not be able to use the App. 


Who your information may be shared to?

  1. We may share your information with: (i) our service providers, such as hosting service providers e.g., Google, (ii) our partners, as mentioned below,

    You may find the complete list of partners and their respective privacy policies 
  2. Ads Monetization, unity Facebook, or Admob.
  3. Google Service Providers, google Api.

    For users living in the EU, some of our service providers and partners who receive your information may be located outside the EUWe will comply with the Applicable Rules when we transfer your personal information to these service providers and partners.

    Some of our partners may also collect your data for their own purposes. Please refer to their respective privacy policies for more information.

  4. When you use the Community feature, some of your personal information (i.e. your name and country, as well as your city if you choose to show it) may be visible to other App users (if you choose to show it).

  5. Google Maps API: We implement Google Maps API(s) to help you use the App and its features. These APIs are subject to Google’s Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy, which may be updated from time to time.


How long do we store your information? 

When you register an account on the App, your account information including your App settings and preferences are stored for as long as you use the App, and archived for applicable limitation periods.. 

If your account is inactive for two years, you will get an alert to ask if you wish to maintain your account; otherwise, we will delete your personal information if you do not respond within 14 days. 

All activity information will generally be deleted after 13 months unless we are required by law to store or retain such information, save that beyond that period, such data may be archived for specific purposes and notably in case of potential disputes.

If you have an account with us and use the Prayer Times feature, we will only store your latest prayer location information to synchronise it with the devices that you have linked to your Ibadat account. We will delete all previous prayer location information. 

We do not keep your prayer location information if you did not create/register an account with us.

We do not keep any other geolocation information used by the other features of the App such as Qibla, Halal Places or Mosque finder. 


How do we protect your information?

We have a range of security measures in place to protect and prevent the loss or misuse of your personal information. We will do our best to protect your personal information, but we cannot guarantee the complete security of information transmitted via the Internet.a


What are my rights regarding my information processing?

In accordance with the Applicable Rules, you have the right to access, correct, delete, and when applicable to request the portability of your personal information any time. 

You can also ask us to restrict, or, under certain circumstances, object to, the processing of your information. 

At any time, you can exercise your rights to your information by contacting our data protection officer at Mail. 

You may also file a complaint with the competent data protection authority in your country whenever you consider that the processing of your personal information does not comply with the Applicable Rules.


Amendments to this Policy

When we revise this Policy, we will inform you about the revisions on the App or by email.  You can reject the changes but you may no longer be able to use some of the App’s features or the App altogether.


If you have any questions about this Policy or the use of your personal information, please contact our data protection officer at: Mail